OrchidE 2022.1.4.0
OrchidE 2022.1.4.0 brings simplified configuration for projects that contain only one Ansible role.
If an IntelliJ project has only one Ansible role and its folders (tasks, handlers, …) are located directly in the main folder of the project OrchidE now offers a switch to use a custom configuration for this setup.
This configuration can be set in Settings ➞ Languages & Frameworks ➞ OrchidE ➞ Ansible Folder Mapping.
The molecule folder is not yet supported in the simplified configuration. If necessary, a rule for playbooks should be created in the settings for the File Type Patterns.
Files with tasks can be marked as task files via the IntelliJ action ‘Override file type’ or via an entry in the File Type Patterns.
Configuration of Ansible Folders
The configuration for the base folders of playbooks, roles and inventories has been moved from the facet configuration to the project configuration. The new configuration will also be used as a basis for a future simplified configuration of the File Type Patterns.
The facet configuration is deprecated and will be removed with one of the next releases.
Improved support for import_tasks/include_tasks
The modules import_tasks/include_tasks now support files relative to the playbook during navigation and code completion.
If the modules are used in roles, OrchidE automatically finds the matching playbook and its path. Optionally, the set folders from the playbook folder settings can also be used. The option can be enabled/disabled in the Settings ➞ Editor ➞ Orchid : Code Completion section:
- Change: OrchidE now displays a warning if the file extension YAML is associated with the IntelliJ function “Python Template Language”. This feature overwrites the OrchidE mapping to the OrchidE parser. Thus, OrchidE cannot be used together with this function. The restriction applies if the files are in the same IntelliJ module. In separate IntelliJ modules, the Python template language function can be used together with OrchidE.
- Change: The src argument of the template module now also supports folders/paths during code completion.
- Bugfix: Quick documentation is not displayed for the import_tasks / include_tasks modules.
Support for IntelliJ platform 2021.2 is deprecated and will end with the release of IntelliJ platform 2023.2.